The Adventures of Pip (Tictoc Games)
Aritana and the Harpy’s Feather (Duaik)
Clusterpuck 99 (PHL Collective)
The Flame in the Flood (The Molasses Flood)
Grabbles (Noble Whale)
Inside My Radio (Seaven Studio)
The Little Acre (Pewter Games)
Magic Duels: Forge (Magic the Gathering)
Pixel Galaxy (Serenity Forge)
R.B.I. Baseball 15 (MLB)
Screencheat (Surprise Attack)
Shadow Blade: Reload (Dead Mage)
Shovel Knight (Yacht Club Games)
Soul Axiom (Wales Interactive)
Space Dust Racers (Space Dust Studios)
Standpoint (Unruly Attractions)
Starpoint Gemini 2 (LGM)
Submerged (Screen Australia)
The Sun and the Moon (Digerati)
Tumblestone (The Quantum Astrophysicists Club)
Wasteland 2 (inXile Entertainment)
Zheros (Rimlight Studios)
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