Άλλες προσθήκες είναι η δυνατότητα για broadcast μέσω YouTube, αλλά και η δημοσίευση video clips στο Twitter. Τέλος, βελτιώσεις περιλαμβάνονται και για το “Live from PlayStation”, αφού, εκτός από τα broadcasts, θα υποστηρίζονται video clips και screenshots. Μπορείτε να διαβάσετε αναλυτικά την λίστα με τα patch notes, όπως αυτή μεταφράστηκε από το Gematsu, στη συνέχεια.
Main Points
- [Events] has been added to the main menu. From a PlayStation-related events list, you can now discover, participate, and view events.
- [Community] has been added to the [Friends] menu. [Community] is a feature that lets you find close players with similar preferences and interests. You can create a new community or join a previously established community. Through the community, you can get into games and parties, and discuss common interests.
- In [Now Playing], users will see a list of what users are playing, and from that list can easily start a game or form a party. You can also request to view a user’s gameplay. [Now Playing] has been added to What’s New, [Friends], [Community], and [Messages].
- [Messages] have been improved. You can view the [Now Playing] of other users, as well as easily start a party. Additionally, you can also add favorite groups to your favorites list.
- It is now possible to broadcast using YouTube.
- It is now possible to upload video clips to Twitter. (10 seconds maximum.)
- [Live from PlayStation] has been improved. Not only does it support broadcasts, it now supports video clips and screenshots.
- In [Settings] > [Accessibility] > [Automatic Scroll Speed] it is now possible to change the speed of automatic scrolling.
- In [Settings] > [Notifications], “Community Items,” “Gameplay Viewing Requests,” “Events,” and “Current Song” have been added.
- You can now comment on What’s New activity feed items.
- [Stamps] have been added to [Messages], allowing for more enjoyable communication with friends.
- [PlayStation Plus] has been added to the main menu. Here, you can get the latest information on the Instant Game Collection and member discounts.
- The Blu-ray Disc/DVD player now supports accessibility features. The scope of other accessibility features have been improved.
- You can now set game start-up restrictions while viewing its age information and rating icon.
- You can now create a child’s use sub-account from the user selection screen by selecting [New User].
- From [Settings] > [Parental Control], you can now set a service to block harmful websites from being displayed. (There is a separate fee to use this service.)
Πολύ καλά...
Κρατάω τα YouTube Streaming και τα Communities. Για να δούμε.
Είναι λίγο "κατάρα" της γενιάς τα social οπότε θα τα φάμε στη μάπα γενικά.